Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Path and Lucy, by Jamaica Kincaid

Women haven’t always had the freedom that they have today. Women were supposed to live a certain life even though sometimes they didn’t want to. They had to tend to their husbands at all time, stay home and do housework while still taking care of their children or being pregnant. Women were abused physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Although women were perceived to act and present themselves in a certain way, some young women went against the cult of the true woman hood not only to be different, but to escape he physical, emotional, and psychological abuse that they will or have encountered. In novels, The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Path and Lucy, by Jamaica Kincaid both young women have the similarity to rebel against the cult of true†¦show more content†¦While at home, Esther becomes into a deep depression when thinking about her experience in New York. She doesn’t want to read, write, or sleep and she stops bathing herself. Her mother sends her to see Dr. Gordon who is her first psychiatrist whom she doesn’t like and doesn’t trust. He is the man with a good looking family, and to Esther he is conceited. He doesn’t help Esther, but only hurts her more. He prescribes her with shock treatment. After this horrifying experience, she decides to kill herself. She tries to slit her wrists, but can only bring herself to slicing her calf. She tries to hang herself but can’t find a place to tie the rope, she tries to drown herself at the beach, but cannot keep herself under water, and then she crawls into a space in the basement and takes a lot of sleeping pills. â€Å"Wherever I sat—on the deck of a ship or at a street cafà © in Paris or Bangkok—I would be sitting under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air.† (Plath pg. 117) This quote shows how she felt trapped in the bell jar, and her suicidal urges began. She awakes in the hospital to find that her attempt at suicide wa sn’t successful. She is sent to another psychological ward where she still wants to end her life. Esther becomes very paranoid and uncooperative. She gets moves to a private hospital paid for by Philomena Guinea a famous novelist. Esther improves and gets a new

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay about Yaeger’s Critique of Chopin’s The Awakening

Yaeger’s Critique of Chopin’s The Awakening In â€Å"‘A Language Which Nobody Understood’: Emancipatory Strategies in The Awakening,† Patricia Yaeger questions the feminist assumption that Edna Pontellier’s adulterous behavior represent a radical challenge to patriarchal values. Using a deconstructionist method, Yaeger argues that in the novel adultery functions not as a disrupting agent of, but, rather, as a counterweight to the institution of marriage, reinforcing the very idea it purports to subvert by framing female desire within â€Å"an elaborate code [of moral conduct] that has already been negotiated by her society.† A reading of The Awakening that can envision only two possible outcomes for its heroine – acquiescence to her role as†¦show more content†¦Yaeger takes issue with Tanner’s contention that extramarital desire functions in the 18th and 19th century novel as â€Å"an attack† on the rules governing â€Å"the opposed demands of private desire and public law,† rules that are â€Å"mediated† by the institution of marriage. (Tanner 13) While Yaeger agrees with Tanner that adulterous behavior by literary heroines does challenge one expression of patriarchy, Yaeger characterizes this challenge as only â€Å"mildly transgressive,† noting that â€Å"adultery remains well within the arena of permissible social trespass.† According to Yaeger, Edna’s falling in love with Robert Lebrun is an act of social misconduct that is easily imagined by, and indeed is anticipated by, the bourgeois Creole society she inhabits. Thus, Tanner errs when he equates adultery in the novel with â€Å"the possible breakdown of all the mediations on which society itself depends†; rather, Yaeger notes, for Edna â€Å"the thought or practice of adultery†¦is actually a conservative gesture within the larger scheme of things, another mode of social acquiescence.† Indeed,

Monday, December 9, 2019

Quick Survey on Cloud Computing †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Quick Survey on Cloud Computing. Answer: Introduction: Cloud Computing has able to grab the attention in the market by the business organization. The trend of the Cloud Computing has been increasing among the operational management of the business organization. This have helped in implementing the cloud services in the business organization. The concept of the cloud computing has been discussed with its benefits in the business organization (Almorsy, Grundy Ibrahim, 2014). Various cloud models are properly explained with diagrams. However, development of the cloud services have given rise different cyber threats in the business organizations. This security threats are discussed with proper solution to it. Cloud Computing is a set of resources, which is in demand in the market. Different new ways of business and services are proposed by the Cloud Computing. Therefore, this innovation have provided various opportunities and changes in the operation of the business organization. It has provided distributed data centers all over the world. The cloud computing have helped in creating a virtual world of services and proper delivery of it. Different companies are providing cloud-computing services including Google Engine, Oracle Cloud, Amazon Web Services and Office 365 (Almorsy, Grundy Muller, 2016). These companies have successfully provided cloud services to different organizations and users in all over the world. Cloud computing have created a web based network that initializes different online services to customers and organizations all over the word. Cloud Computing is distributed architecture, which helps in centralizing server resources on scalable platform and provide on demand com puting resources. Cloud computing helps in providing in demand service to the customers. The hackers access databases in cloud environments with the help of hacking techniques including session hijacking and network channel eavesdropping. Cloud computing has accelerate the growth of the company by empowering the workforce and transforming the business operations. The solutions have been developed by the cloud computing that signifies the vision of the company with maximum flexibility and minimum risk (Au, Fung Tses, 2016). Most of the business organizations are using the cloud services to meet requirements of the clients and employees of the company. There are has been logical progression in demand of cloud computing in market. Features of Cloud Computing There are various features of the cloud computing that are discussed below: The cloud computing has able to provide on demand services to the customers. The availability of cloud services have helped in meeting the requirements of the customers in market. The cloud computing services are available and accessible from any part of the world. Therefore, it helps in providing location independent services all over the world. The resources of the cloud computer can be accessed from anywhere on the demand of the user. The cloud computing have able to provide elasticity in its services by scaling up and down to minimize the time required for availing the resources of cloud computing. The cloud services that are shared with public and can be modified and accessed by any user is known as public cloud (Almorsy, M; Grundy, J; Muller, 2016). The data and information stored in the pubic cloud can be used by any user in the organization. Therefore, the security in the public cloud is preferably less than other cloud types. This type of the cloud provide the most secured services to the customers. The data and information stored in the private cloud is not shared with other parties (Hussain et al., 2017). This cloud might be organized by an organization for storing their private and important documents and information over the cloud. The private cloud is an expensive service due to its high security systems. Hybrid cloud is combination of different cloud architecture including public, private and community cloud. Different organization use this type of cloud according to their needs. Some data and information are shared with the customers and employees that are stored in the public cloud (Abdallah et al., 2017). The confidential data and information are stored in private cloud. Therefore, organization have flexibility of using their own cloud architecture according to their needs. The community cloud deals with the sharing of the cloud services between the organizations of the same community. This cloud is maintained by third party or by organization (Demchenko et al., 2017). The community cloud infrastructure can be internally and externally fixed that helps in providing the cloud services to the community. Community cloud consumers look for economies of scale while at same time minimizing costs related with private clouds or hybrid clouds and public clouds Service Model of Cloud Computing Cloud computing services models helps in providing various services to the customers and organization according to their needs and requirements. The common service models of cloud computing are discussed below: User used to avail all the infrastructure of the computer system through internet. This service is known as Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). There are various web based databases and architectures provided by cloud computing that helps in meeting the infrastructural requirement of user and organization (De Carvalhoet al., 2017). Therefore, the cloud computing has able to provide database, backups, networks and other infrastructural facility to the companies through internet. This has increased the versatility of the cloud computing in the computer organization. The benefit of the IaaS is that the user only pay for actual use of infrastructure. Platform-as-a service (PaaS) helps in providing platform where any software can be made, modified and executed for testing purpose. This platform can help in operating the entire life cycle of the software. The service model is suitable of application developers, testers and administrators in an organization. PaaS includes the environment for developing, compiling, testing and programming languages for modifying the required changes in the software (Perez Kumar, 2017). Therefore, the cloud computing us able to provide these services to the companies at a low cost online. Therefore, the company can use these services online from any server and place. This is one of the most used services used by the users and organization in the market. Various software are costly in the market that a business cannot afford for use. Therefore, cloud computing helps in providing this costly software at a low cost for rent. Various software and applications are rented on a monthly basis as per the requirement of the company in the market. Therefore, this reduces the initial cost of the company for stating the business (Burns et al., 2017). For example, Gmail is a SaaS provider that helps in providing free storage up to a limit for the users. SaaS helps in eliminating all the possibilities of installing and maintaining software and application for organization. Therefore, it helps in reducing the cost of the software for organization in the market. Market Size of the Cloud Computing Cloud computing has been enhancing among business organization in the market. According to the study reported by Forbes, global market of enterprise cloud-based services have grown from $12.1 billion in 2010 to $ 35.6 billion in 2015. Growth rate has been 43 % in 2011 and decreased to 13 % over the next five years (Cloud Security Alliance, 2017). SaaS have 70 % revenue in 2010, 30% is related with the IaaS. As per the report of the IDC, revenue from public IT cloud services exceeded $ 16 billion in 2009 to $ 55.5 billion in 2014. The worldwide spending on the pubic cloud services has grown up to 19.4 %. The Compound Annual Growth Rate has been nearly $70 billion in 205 to more than $141 billion in 2019 (Luitinfotech, 2017). Worldwide Public IT Cloud Service Revenue in 2018 is predicted to be $127B. SaaS and PaaS portion of cloud hardware and infrastructure software spending are projected to reach $55 billion in 2026. Cloud Security Issues The use of the cloud computing have helped in development of organizations. However, it has faced various security issues over the internet. Some of the main security issues are discussed below: Confidentiality refers to set of rules and regulation that monitors the working and functionality of the tools and techniques used in the cloud computing these of the security measures for securing data and information has been continuously lacking in case of cloud computing. Therefore, confidentiality refers to securing data and information of customers and organizations in the market. The use of personal information of users is not acceptable in the organization. The security of data and information of customer is the prior thing for organization (Cimler et al., 2015). The cloud computing has helped in storing the personal data over the cloud storage. However, there have been many cases of data breach from the cloud storage over the internet. The security protocol of the cloud computing has been attacked by the hackers over the internet. The cloud computing consist of three layers including Software layer, Platform layer and Infrastructure layer. The Software layer provides interfa ce for user to use services of cloud computing. The platform helps in providing platform and environment for executing software by developer (Coppolino et al., 2017). The infrastructure layer helps in providing the hardware components including network and storage. Therefore, the hackers can attack at any of the three layers for accessing the data and information of the company over the cloud. The storage of the data an information at the remote location with the help of cloud computing might causes issues in the organization. The location of the data and information is only known by the data owner. Therefore, in the absence of the data owner, data and information is unable to access by the organization in emergency cases (Coughlin, Keller Wustrow, 2017). Therefore, threats to availability of the data and information is prevailing in the organization with use of cloud computing. The cloud computing is responsible for providing on demand services to the customers. Therefore, in the absence of the data owner, it can fulfill the requirement of the clients that violates the Service level Agreement for the cloud computing. The integrity of the data and information is an important in maintaining the database of the cloud. It is good process for storage of data in a secure way persistent data storage, which can be, reclaim or retrieved in same layout, as it was stored later (Dang-Pham, Pittayachawan Bruno, 2017). Therefore, integrity and monitoring of the data and information for minimizing data corruption and data crash in the server. Virtualization and multi tenancy Virtualization and multi tenancy are the two basic factors in use of the cloud computing in the business organizations. The traditional way of hosting applications involves the use of operating system on physical layer. Therefore, thus type of traditional hosting method has been used for creating a functional efficient cloud. These can be achieved with the help of linking multiple servers using Virtual LAN (VLAN) (Dave et al., 2017). However, this process is insecure and inefficient for long term, as huge part of physical hardware is not used. Therefore, Virtualization has helped in maintaining these issues in the cloud computing the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) has been created for a single physical server that can host multiple server at a time in the operating system (Mohammad, Kak Alam, 2017). Therefore, a single server can act as multiple processing server at a time. It has enhanced the efficiency of the hardware and enhancing its performance. The virtual layer is also known a s hypervisor. Two ways of using this hypervisor for running virtual machines (VM) (Krishna et al., 2016). These are known as full virtualization and paravirtualization. A VM deployed using full virtualization has emulating BIOS and drives of the OS, in addition to the other functions. There are two architectures for deploying virtual machines hosted architecture. The hosted architecture, the virtual layer is handled by server. The application is charged for keeping up the virtual machines in the operating system. However, the hypervisor architecture skips operating system and runs directly on hardware. Multi tenancy helps in allowing multiple sharing if the computing resources in logical separation of the users in the tenant of a system. In the context of cloud computing, each virtual machines are consider as a tenant of the system (Lin Liao, 2017). Multi tenancy is not limited to the multiple virtual machines that are running in the same hardware. Software and applications are able to use multiple tenants for enhancing the efficiency of the virtual machines in the operating system. In IaaS cloud models, users create new drives on virtual machines and store data on those drives (Luna et al., 2017). However, data in all three-cloud models can be accessed by unauth orized employees and external hackers. Data Encryption Schemes Various security issues discussed in the earlier sections. However, there are some solutions for mitigating the issues in the cloud computing related to security of the data and information. The Proxy Re-encryption is cryptographic scheme that translate cipher texts from one encryption key to another key. After that, PRE forwards encrypted messages without showing clear text to the potential users. A proxy re-encryption algorithm translates a cipher text under a public key PKa to cipher text PKb along with re-encryption key RK A B. In this encryption scheme, IP address or email addresses can be used to formulate public keys for users. The sender uses recipients identity as the public key to encrypt messages in identity based encryption technique. The proxy requires proxy keys, or re-encryption keys, to perform translations without being reading original message (McCormac et al., 2017). The IBE technique has various practical applications including attribute-based delegations, secure email forwarding, and access control in networked file storage. This encryption scheme deals with a proxy server that helps in maintaining additional information that can be transform into cipher text under various attributes into a new cipher text on the same message. Therefore, the data provider might get the original text that helps in sharing the cipher text in the message. In this scheme, private key user has an asset of attributes that helps in providing encrypted cipher text that might specify an access policy (Modi et al., 2013). In this scheme, the data is encrypted in the storage on various server that helps in maintaining back up for the original text and message. In a key private PRE, the proxy and set of users are never derived by message recipient from cipher text and public keys. This scheme helps in helps in providing key privacy for proxy re-encryption schemes in which proxy performs all translations that cannot distinguish the identities of participating parties (Mishra, 2017). It can be concluded that the use of the cloud computing in the business organization have helped in maintaining the development of the organization. The benefits of cloud computing has been discussed properly. The growth of cloud computing in market has been rapid due to its on demand services provided to the customers. The use of the cloud computing has helped in maintaining the business goals and objectives of the company in market. The security and privacy of the data and information has been properly maintained by the cloud computing by using various strategies. The virtualization technique in the operating system has helped in enhancing hardware of the computer system. The use of the virtualization process has helped in maintaining the performance if the operating system in the computer system. Various encryption technique has been discussed in the assignment for mitigating the security issues in the cloud computing. References Abdallah, E. G., Zulkernine, M., Gu, Y. X., Liem, C. (2017, July). TRUST-CAP: A Trust Model for Cloud-Based Applications. In Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2017 IEEE 41st Annual (Vol. 2, pp. 584-589). IEEE. Almorsy, M., Grundy, J., Ibrahim, A. S. (2014). Adaptable, model-driven security engineering for SaaS cloud-based applications. Automated software engineering, 21(2), 187-224. Almorsy, M; Grundy, J; Muller, I. (2016). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Story of my life Essay Example

Story of my life Essay The Story of My Life Interesting enough, my life began on a Thursday night, on December 17, 1987 In Atlanta Georgia, where I was delivered at 9. Pm to my mother, Ruth Dye and father, Tony Jiffies. I was the second child for my father and the third for my mother. I Just didnt know anybody or where I would end up In life after that moment. As I grew up, my life changed at each milestone In a person life. I had a rough and very fun childhood. I remember playing outside with family and friends, eating around the dinner table with my family and sleeping with my grandmother until I was 15 years old. My life was filled with more great memories than the bad, even though lived in poverty stricken neighborhood. My grandmother never once, made it seem that way because she made sure we were fed, bathe and had clean clothes and shoes on our feet. Even though, neither my mother nor my father was in my life, when I was younger, my father decided to change that when I was 15 years old. He wanted me to be more than cousins that had three kids on their hips and one on the way. He told me, If you are ready to leave, you can go with me, right now. I was hesitant at first, but I decided this might be my chance to get out of the situation I was In. At that point, my grades had started slipping, I started not to go to school, but I know I TLD want that for myself. I took that leap of faith and I went with my dad and the rest Is still writing its story. We will write a custom essay sample on Story of my life specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Story of my life specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Story of my life specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom Motivation and Emotion essay

buy custom Motivation and Emotion essay Motivation is the answer to such questions as 'Why do you go to school?', 'Why do you perform a certain activity', etc. In general, motivation is defined as a motive that drives us towards a certain goal. It might be an interest, desire, need or want, which actually is so strong that it can direct the person towards a certain move and affect the thinking, cognitive processes and behavior (Cherry, 2014). The researchers stress that motivation has several effects on the processes of thinking and learning, as well as on the way we behave (Ormrod, 2014). First of all, if we are motivated, then we are directed to a certain kind of goal. According to the social cognitive theorists, it is inherent in humans to set goals and then take steps towards reaching them. Each goal has an intrinsic power, which is motivation. The stronger motivation is, the better results will be. It affects choices we made and the way we think and eventually act. Secondly, motivation is in charge of the increased rates of energy and efforts. Motivation indeed affects the amount of energy applied to the activities that are directly related to the goals once set. The enthusiastic pursuit of a task is normal for motivated people. Thirdly, if a person is motivated, then he or she is persistent. Such a person does not take 'no' as an answer and always reaches the goals set. For example, the people who are motivated at the beginning of the executing the order actually want to do the task. Thus, it does not make them tired or exhausted. Instead, it inspires them to new activities. The same applies to the thinking process. It seems that motivation gives people the keys to all secrets of knowledge. In case the person faces any obstacle, he or she continues the search until answer is found. Speaking about thinking, one should remember that any cognitive process is affected by motivation as well. It is the motivation that stands behind the choices we make regarding the things we need to pay attention to or the overall effectiveness of the learning that we want to achieve in the end. The learners who are motivated are usually more persistent in their endeavors to understand the material and to learn it more deeply (Ormrod, 2014). Finally, motivation is the reason for enhanced performance. It is mainly due to the combination of elements discussed above: persistence, energy, goal-oriented behavior, etc. All of it eventually leads to increased performance. Needless to say that unlike the motivation, the concept of emotion is hard to explain. It is even harder to understand. Those who have attempted to explain the term 'emotion' define it as a complex reaction to a certain event both external and internal, which involves the expression of the face, changes in behavior and psychology, cognition, etc. Emotions could serve as protection from danger. For example, when a person fears something, he or she is more likely to avoid the source of the fear or confront it once more. If we experience anger, then we are usually ready to encounter the source that irritates us. Emotions is the necessary adaptation that has been used through the human history and that helps us thrive, survive and avoid any kind of danger. The emotions actually move us. They act as energizers as they occur after specific chemical signals that have been sent to the muscles. The only thing that emotions do not affect in human behavior is habit. We usually do not look twice before sitting down on a sofa, and we do not think twice before we tie shoes. Emotions could be motivating or non-motivating i.e. inspiring (or not) as for the move and approach to something or in terms of avoiding something. Buy custom Motivation and Emotion essay

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Confidence Interval for a Mean When We Know Sigma

Confidence Interval for a Mean When We Know Sigma In inferential statistics, one of the major goals is to estimate an  unknown  population  parameter. You start with a statistical sample, and from this, you can determine a range of values for the parameter. This range of values is called a confidence interval. Confidence Intervals Confidence intervals are all similar to one another in a few ways. First, many two-sided confidence intervals have the same form: Estimate  ± Margin of Error Second, the steps for calculating confidence intervals are very similar, regardless of the type of confidence interval you are trying to find. The specific type of confidence interval that will be examined below is a two-sided confidence interval for a population mean when you know the population standard deviation. Also, assume that you are working with a population that is normally distributed. Confidence Interval for a Mean With a Known Sigma Below is a process to find the desired confidence interval. Although all of the steps are important, the first one is particularly so: Check conditions: Begin by ensuring that the conditions for your confidence interval have been met. Assume that you know the value of the population standard deviation, denoted by the Greek letter sigma ÏÆ'. Also, assume a normal distribution.Calculate estimate: Estimate the population parameter- in this case, the population mean- by use of a statistic, which in this problem is the sample mean. This involves forming a simple random sample from the population. Sometimes, you can suppose that your sample is a simple random sample, even if it does not meet the strict definition.Critical value: Obtain the critical value z* that corresponds with your confidence level. These values are found by consulting a table of z-scores or by using the software. You can use a z-score table because you know the value of the population standard deviation, and you assume that the population is normally distributed. Common critical values are 1.645 for a 90-percent confidence level, 1.960 for a 95-percen t confidence level, and 2.576 for a 99-percent confidence level. Margin of error: Calculate the margin of error z* ÏÆ' /√n, where n is the size of the simple random sample that you formed.Conclude: Finish by putting together the estimate and margin of error. This can be expressed as either Estimate  ± Margin of Error or as Estimate - Margin of Error to Estimate Margin of Error. Be sure to clearly state the level of confidence that is attached to your confidence interval. Example To see how you can construct a confidence interval, work through an example. Suppose you know that the IQ scores of all incoming college freshman are normally distributed with standard deviation of 15. You have a simple random sample of 100 freshmen, and the mean IQ score for this sample is 120. Find a 90-percent confidence interval for the mean IQ score for the entire population of incoming college freshmen. Work through the steps that were outlined above: Check conditions: The conditions have been met since you have been told that the population standard deviation is 15 and that you are dealing with a normal distribution.Calculate estimate: You have been told that you have a simple random sample of size 100. The mean IQ for this sample is 120, so this is your estimate.Critical value: The critical value for confidence level of 90 percent is given by z* 1.645.Margin of error: Use the margin of error formula and obtain an error of  z* ÏÆ' /√n (1.645)(15) /√(100) 2.467.Conclude: Conclude by putting everything together. A 90-percent confidence interval for the population’s mean IQ score is 120  ± 2.467. Alternatively, you could state this confidence interval as 117.5325 to 122.4675. Practical Considerations Confidence intervals of the above type are not very realistic. It is very rare to know the population standard deviation but not know the population mean. There are ways that this unrealistic assumption can be removed. While you have assumed a normal distribution, this assumption does not need to hold. Nice samples, which exhibit no strong skewness or have any outliers, along with a large enough sample size, allow you to invoke the central limit theorem. As a result, you are justified in using a table of z-scores, even for populations that are not normally distributed.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Gaining a foot ahead in the athletic industry Assignment

Gaining a foot ahead in the athletic industry - Assignment Example is program expands on the available training opportunities because it allows trainers to be able to understand how to train adults and their learning patterns. However, the trainers might have the desire to learn so as to be able to train others, but the resources provided by the district might not be adequate enough to support this program. This might be a challenge, but it does not necessarily mean that it is unachievable as it is a necessity if the district is to create a professional learning environment. In order to cut on the cost of Training the trainer, it is important for schools to do this internally rather than having to implore the services of outside staff to conduct the training because outsourcing can be an expensive venture. External consultants can offer the same training, but do so at exorbitant rates, meaning that training internally can be the preferable way because it will be able to cut on the costs. Internal training can also provide ongoing support when the trainers are implementing the training program as this can help the educators to make the necessary changes as per the advice the trainers may receive from their trainers. Internal training is also the best way to go because the trainers are more familiar with the school curricular used meaning that they may not find it hard to apply the program as compared to external trainers that may have to understand the curricular before they can commence work (261f). Therefore, internal trainers are able to align professional training with the cultural attributes, policies and curriculum so as to ensure that the program applied becomes a success. Additionally, professional learning also requires that a teacher combines it with instructions so as to be able to support the learning needs of the students and also gauge what they should be taught. In summary, involving external trainers for the Training the trainer program can be expensive and might force a school to increase their school fees,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Explain and assess the role that virtue plays in Aristotle's theory of Essay

Explain and assess the role that virtue plays in Aristotle's theory of justice - Essay Example Aristotle claimed that justice should be dispensed in an appropriate manner. He also believed in the strength of virtue in changing the society. Aristotle's book, ‘Nicomachean Ethics’ explained the theory of virtue. He mentioned two kinds of virtue: the moral variety, and the intellectual variety (Raphael 2003). When Aristotle mentioned the subject of moral virtues, he spoke in reference to a person's character, and the way he conducted himself in his daily life. He stated that an individual’s character is a learned function, and not one that he was born with. Essentially, he felt that virtue was merely the balance between different extremes. The Greek term for "happiness" is pronounced as  Eudaimonia, which basically refers to maintaining a pleasant spirit. In Aristotle’s view, the highest objective of man was to maintain joy. Aristotle stressed that the definition of happiness was not merely keeping a happy face on a constant basis, or running after ple asure filled activities so that one can maintain superficial joy. This is how the current society tends to define happiness (Raphael 2003). Happiness and the possession of good morals are factors that are linked, in Aristotle’s view. ... It is probable that the founding fathers of America had this definition of happiness in mind when they declared in the declaration of independence that â€Å"the pursuit of happiness† was to be considered as an objective in the new nation. In Aristotle’s  Nicomachean Ethics, the factors that were necessary to achieve  eudaimonia were defined as self capability and decisiveness. Aristotle affirmed that these characteristics could only be achieved through individual initiative and ambition, which he referred to as the "humanistic" criterion (Raphael 2003). Aristotle also rejected the concept that the greatest good was a god given characteristic that could not be achieved without some kind of divine assistance. H e also believed that happiness was the one characteristic or aspect that was its own reward. It could not be used as a means to realise another higher state of contentment, in other words. Those who discovered real happiness, according to Aristotle, would not feel the desire for something else or to experience some other state of contentment. Aristotle categorised virtues in practical terms. He was of the opinion that virtues dealt with the activities and zeal of the activities that people took part in, and what those activities made them feel like. He divided people’s feelings to fundamental pain and pleasure codes. He was endeavouring to instruct the citizens of Athens in the right way to carry themselves. He also believed that there was no one wrong or right way to feel. In the book on ‘Nichomachean Ethics’, Aristotle affirmed that if a person participated in 'good' acts, or assisted his fellow man, he would

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Plagiarism literary Essay Example for Free

Plagiarism literary Essay Post your response to the following: Axia College takes academic honesty seriously. Think for a moment about an author whose original work has been plagiarized by a student. Why would that author consider plagiarism to be such a grave offense? Plagiarism is a literary theft that is commonly done by some students. A scenario in which an author who had spent everything he has on a literary project gets to know that people are just copying his works that he suffered to put it together without proper acknowledgment, he will be so much offended. he will count this as act of disrespect and that his idea are not been valued so he might decided not to write such write up again which will be to the disadvantage of the entire public and the said author. Post your response to the following: What are other ways in which you can make use of the wealth of Web-based information and still guard against plagiarism? These involves many method that one can gain from the web without committing plagiarism offence, this include ensuring that the original word of the author are not used, when doing any work, it should be followed by jottings and one should avoid making reference from the authors statement, but after the extensive reading and understanding then one can now sit with it and pen down in ones idea. We should avoid summarizing and paraphrasing because they are forms of plagiarism

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Anti-Semitism Essay -- Prejudice Jewish Anti-Judaism Papers

Anti-Semitism Discrimination and prejudice have been in our world for as long as humans have themselves. Discrimination has caused problems in societies all throughout history. But despite all of the terrible things that have happened because of prejudice and discrimination, it continues to live on in our world today. Anti-Semitism, prejudice against Jews, is a form of discrimination that has caused perhaps the most problems throughout history. Many people describe anti-Semitism as more than simply "prejudice" or "discrimination" against Jews. It is often the result of hatred and despise of the Jews, resulting in persecution and destruction. Anti-Semitism can often occur because a religious group is trying to make itself look better (Anti-Judaism/Anti-Semitism). Jealousy and envy are also major causes of anti-Semitism. A study on anti-Semitism found that people who are anti-Semitic are likely to also have negative feelings about African-Americans, Immigrants, gays and lesbians, illegal aliens, and women (JCRC - Anti-Semitism). As have all prejudices, anti-Semitism has been around a long time. It has been around since the time of Christ. One of the first events that gave rise to anti-Semitism was the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (Mrs. Hahn's Notes). Jews were considered the murderers of Christ. Because of this hatred towards Jews, Jerusalem was destroyed, killing over 1 million Jews who resided there (A Calendar of Jewish Persecution). Jews were also persecuted extensively throughout the Roman Empire. In 135 AD, Roman Emperor Hadrian declared Jerusalem a pagan city. He forbade Jews to practice circumcision, the reading of the Law, eating of unleavened bread at Passover, or any Jewish festival. In 315, Constantine the G... ...ll eventually be gone along with all prejudices. Bibliography: BIBLIOGRAPHY Anti-Judaism/Anti-Semitism. (Online) Anti-Semitism...What Is It? (Online) A Calendar of Jewish Persecution. (Online) Definitions of Anti-Semitism (Online) Jewish Community Relations Council - Anti-Semitism. (Online) Modern Anti-Semitism. (Online) A Summary of Anti-Semitism (Online) Steven, Peter. "European Anti-Semitism-Disturbing, But Limited," The Miami Herald, May 22, 1990. Pg. 1A+

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Hidden Key to E-Commerce Success

Order Fulfillment: The Hidden Key to e-Commerce Success By Fred R. Ricker and Ravi Kalakota n July 1995, a young Wall Street computer whiz named Jeff Bezos opened a bookstore offering more than one million titles yet virtually no inventory. His brainchild—Amazon. com—has grown since then from four employees operating out of a 400 square-foot garage in Seattle into an online company with a stock valuation greater than most Fortune 500 companies.His initial concept—a virtual bookstore designed to do business exclusively on The Internet offers a wealth of the Internet—was new business opportunities for obviously brilliant start-ups and established compaand well executed, nies alike. Yet while everyone as evidenced by wants a piece of the e-Commerce action, not everyone has laid the Amazon. com’s sucnecessary groundwork for success in gaining and cess. One of the most often overkeeping customer looked prerequisites is order fulfillattention and genermen t and distribution. Succeeding ating orders. n the e-Commerce age is every Yet the company’s bit as much about designing and success to date is executing these â€Å"blocking and dwarfed by the tackling† functions as it is about potential of its the latest technology. apparent ambition— to build the world’s most efficient consumer-direct orderFred R. Ricker is director of health-care supfulfillment system. ply chain strategy for Manhattan Associates Amazon. com enviInc. Ravi Kalakota is the director of the sions a â€Å"killer† supCenter for Digital Commerce and GCATT ply chain that can chair professor of electronic commerce at deliver virtually any Georgia State University.He is also the product—not just founder and CEO of e-Business Strategies. 60 Supply Chain Management Review I books— directly to customers better than its competitors. In fact, it took Amazon. com only one quarter after adding music to its offerings to become the N et’s leading music seller. The company currently is targeting the $150 billion pharmaceuticals market with a 40-percent stake in Drugstore. com. Today, the emphasis among more mature Web retailers like Amazon. com is shifting from marketing to fulfillment logistics—what happens after the rder is placed. Good fulfillment—taking the right product, putting it in the right box, shipping it, and gaining the customer’s approval on arrival—is a demanding task. We believe it is here—in the down-and-dirty details of consumer direct order fulfillment—that the epic battles for domination of the e-Commerce marketplace will ultimately be won or lost. The emergence of the e-Supply chain, a group of strategically aligned companies focused on delivering differentiable value, signals a shift in the nature of online competition.It involves rethinking traditional supplier relationships and the role of informationdriven fulfillment logistics. In the new network economy, establishing a sustainable e-Commerce position is as much about using the right fulfillment strategies to get your products or services to buyers as it is about having the right product at the right price. The key to success is being able to give customers what they want, Fall 1999 Illustration by Roger Roth when they want it, and how they want it—all at the lowest cost. That requires â€Å"real-time fulfillment† solutions.These rising demands have driven a three-phase evolution. First the e-Corporation, which focuses on creating and maximizing the potential of internal supply chains, evolves into e-Business communities, where distributors, suppliers, customers, and others are linked but not fully integrated. These communities then become the e-Supply chain, which requires business-process and technology synchronization across the entire chain. (Exhibit 1 depicts this progression. ) Unfortunately, much of the start-up planning for e-Commerce ventures a pplies old models to new enterprises.It assumes, for example, the existence of a brick-and-mortar support infrastructure for the fulfillment or the spontaneous development of that infrastructure. Like it or not, most e-Commerce retailers place their initial emphasis on the â€Å"exciting† areas: Web product development, traffic generation, dynamic or customized Web pages, transactions, and so on. Often, e-Commerce retailers give little thought to order fulfillment and distribution—a capability critical to the success or failure of Web commerce. Our research shows that the lack of an Fall 1999 ntegrated supply chain infrastructure or weaknesses in integrating multiparty logistics components can undermine the benefits of e-Commerce and hinder innovative responses to the competition. The e-Fulfillment Opportunity The Internet offers a rich new opportunity for direct consumer access, but it also raises new challenges. Web retailers find product fulfillment—picking a nd packing in very small quantities and shipping via parcel carriers—a particularly difficult activity. It often requires relying on third-party fulfillment vendors (a concept discussed later in this article) to do the job.But collaboration in fulfillment chains is no longer confined to conventional two-company alliances, such as between shipper and a logistics services provider. Today, groups of enterprises are banding together for a common purpose—to satisfy customer demand. A new form of competition is emerging: e-Supply chain vs. e-Supply chain. In the Internet book retailing war, for example, the competition is not only between Amazon. com and Barnes & Noble but also among groups of companies that make up the e-Supply chain anchored by each company. An e-Supply chain is, in effect, a virtual organizaSupply Chain Management Review 61ORDER FULFILLMENT process. ) Vendors could work within specified routing guidelines and still tender for trucks online in conjunction with other geographically close vendors to get full-truckload rates. Internet start-ups have the luxury of starting from scratch and defining their fulfillment infrastructure Business Process and Technology specifically for the products Integration being offered online. This is not the case for established Phase 3 E-Supply Chain companies like catalog companies or store-based retailers such as Wal-Mart, Borders, and JCPenney.These companies already have fulfillment and distribution networks designed to ship a variety of products in bulk quantities to hundreds of stores. They realize that they cannot layer home delivery on the existing infrastructure. The established companies must decide whether to extend their existing facilities for consumer-direct eCommerce or build a new set of fulfillment facilities tailored to low volumes and high-variety product mixes. The enlightened ones realize that they need to invent a new customer-driven fulfillment model that can extract enough costs o ut of the current model to justify home delivery costs.That new model, we believe, is an intercompany order-fulfillment and replenishment model. It utilizes business process synchronization to eliminate redundant processes among supply chain trading companies and to improve information sharing— doing away with excess labor, inventory, and holding costs. The design and implementation of such a coordinated and synchronized fulfillment infrastructure poses a major managerial problem. To shed light on this problem and provide a prescriptive roadmap, we address the following questions: What is the impact of current customer-direct business models on fulfillment strategies?What is the definition of consumer-direct fulfillment logistics? Why is having a consumer-direct model so important? What types of fulfillment strategies are currently employed in e-Commerce? What strategic business-process reengineering and synchronization steps can managers take when designing a consumer-direct fulfillment logistics strategy? Fall 1999 EXHIBIT 1 Evolution of the Network Economy Distributors Suppliers Internal Supply Chain Reengineering External Linkages Customers Phase 1 E-Corporation Logistics Providers Phase 2 E-Business Communities ion that encompasses a group of trading companies, all working together to slash costs and share profits. By optimizing not only their internal processes but also their mutual interactions, they realize the benefits of a truly integrated supply chain. This concept—business-process and supply chain synchronization—lays the basis for the next revolution in supply chain management. It takes supply chain integration to a new level of efficiency by requiring companies to focus on synchronizing business processes around standard interface points and upgrading these points as the industry evolves.Synchronization of these â€Å"touch points† eliminates costs associated with inefficient movement of goods, redundant processes, and excess inventory. In doing so, it promotes a dedicated collaboration of all supply chain trading partners—suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, thirdparty providers, transportation companies, and retailers. Through e-Commerce, redundant processes among trading partners (such as multiple accuracy audits, receiving-dock appointments, and inventory planning activities) can be eliminated.The immediacy and availability of the Internet, once security and data cleansing issues are worked out, fulfills the promise of true synchronization. To take just a few examples, if vendors can gain access to a publicly available schedule on the Internet and book their own receiving appointments, they no longer need to send requests for appointments and wait for responses. Retailers would not need to research late payments if their customers could download payment status directly from the retailer’s Web site. (At least two major retailers have already begun this 62 Supply C hain Management ReviewThe Logistics of Consumer-Direct Fulfillment Three forces are converging to create an explosion in consumer-direct business models: technology forces are making it possible, market forces are making it viable, and social forces are making it inevitable. Keep in mind, though, that consumers demand more than an interactive experience. They want delivery convenience and lower fulfillment costs. They need to be assured of fast and reliable delivery. The value the consumer places on timely delivery can affect the logistics network design significantly. Time is money,† and digital consumers of the 21st century don’t have the same tolerance levels as their analog-world ancestors. Today’s consumers are yearning for instant gratification as never before. Partners in the supply chain must improve their efficiencies—from order capture to fulfillment— to provide that gratification. The goal of consumer-direct business models is to let cust omers select and configure products and services interactively, get a price quote, and receive a committed delivery date online.Companies serious about satisfying customers online must substantially change their process to make consumer-direct retailing and manufacturing attractive to the consumer. Companies must re-evaluate the complete fulfillment business model—promotions, merchandising, product selection, pricing, supplier relations, technical management, distribution, returns, and post-sale service. Each of these areas demands new processes, skills, and approaches. To satisfy a consumer-driven marketplace, companies must move beyond the singular mentality of intracompany optimization.Instead, they must focus on how intercompany business process synchronization can transform consumer demands into consumer satisfaction. As with a single company, core competencies of each component of the virtual organization must be evaluated objectively to eliminate inefficiencies. Manage rs of that virtual organization will continue to reengineer best practices, while at the same time: Building replenishment programs based on consumers â€Å"pulling† the product through the supply chain from the manufacturer. Employing new forecasting methods that reflect total pipeline visibility.Investing collectively in technology and equipment to capitalize on market opportunities. The success of consumer direct fulfillment logistics models depends on the successful integration of Fall 1999 four key elements: order-fulfillment planning, product execution, distribution management, and crossapplication integration. 1. Order-Fulfillment Planning. Rising customer expectations and short fulfillment deadlines call for effective planning that breaks artificial boundaries and bridges the gaps between the consumer and the other players in the supply chain.Fulfillment planning must consider the entire planning process— from manufacturing, through distribution and transportat ion—within a single integrated model. Fulfillment planning involves evaluation of multiple planning strategies such as: Establishing a sustainable e-Commerce position is as Profitable-to-promise: Should I take the customer order at this time? Available-to-promise: Is inventory available to fulfill the order? Capable-to-promise: Does manufacturing capacity allow order commitment?Select the plan that best meets the desired customer-service levels considering transportation and manufacturing constraints. It’s important to plan backwards from customer priorities and fulfillment deadlines. Thus, to generate a feasible plan, the fulfillment-planning process needs to consider all supply chain constraints simultaneously. These include transportation constraints such as truck capacity and weight, use of alternate modes, and availability of downstream resources such as loading docks. 1 2. Production Execution.With the advent of modular designs, more and more production functions are being performed at dedicated warehouses and distribution centers. The typical activities include light subassembly and sequencing, kitting, merging, consolidation, packaging, and labeling. Timing of the final assembly often drives the production plan for subassemblies. The process starts with the master production schedule for the finished product. An MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning) system explodes this schedule to derive when, where, and in what quantities various subassemblies and components are required to make each product.Production also includes componentreplenishment strategies that minimize the amount of inventory in the pipeline and coordinate product Supply Chain Management Review 63 much about using the right order-fulfillment strategies as it is about having the right product at the right price. ORDER FULFILLMENT hand-offs between the various parties involved. Timely replenishment of warehouses is critical because customers will no longer tolerate out-ofstock situations. 3. Distribution Management.Distribution management encompasses the entire process of transporting goods from manufacturer to distribution centers and then to final consumption point. The process also may include packing, document preparation, customs brokerage, and inventory and warehouse management. One of the most important innovations here is the integration of distribution with transportation planning and scheduling through a comprehensive supply can address by utilizing standardized information formats and communication points between trading partners.Distribution center inventory has to be integrated effectively with the customer contact system. In high-velocity retail settings like the Web, customers quickly become unhappy if the seller is out of stock for what is advertised as in stock. Accurate distribution center inventory, updated frequently, is essential to running an effective online business. A Framework for e-Commerce Fulfillment Strategies In the face of increasing competition, absence of pricing power, and shrinking operating margins, companies will succeed or fail based on the efficiency of their fulfillment strategies.Business analysts often focus on the number of orders a company generates on the Web as an indicator of its competitive strength. But a more accurate measure may be the company’s process for rapidly and efficiently translating the orders into fill-rates that satisfy and exceed customer expectations. This section presents a framework of evolving fulfillment strategies. It then illustrates that framework with a wide array of examples and derives implications and guidelines for management. The framework is based on two dimensions: the structure and the operation of fulfillment strategies.On the structure dimension, the strategies are classified as either centralized or distributed. In a centralized structure, all warehousing, pickup, packing, and shipping are operated in a central site, usually a distribution or logistics center. In a distributed structure, warehousing, pickup, packing, and shipping or delivery are located at different sites. On the operation dimension, the fulfillment strategies are either self-operated if the fulfillment process is operated by the company itself or outsourced if it is done by third parties or partners.All of these strategies, discussed below, have trade-offs regarding investment, inventory costs, and operational complexity. Strategy A. Distributed Delivery Centers Fulfillment through distributed delivery centers is an acceptable approach for companies that are just getting online or for those that have a delivery funcFall 1999 â€Å"Time is money,† chain execution solution. Transportation-management software spans the life cycle of the shipment and allows customers to view all of their shipments across a network of multimodal transportation providers. Distribution anagement also means providing users with easy access to shipping, tracking, and del ivery data. Reverse logistics is another function of distribution management. Faster product obsolescence and more generous warranties have escalated the number of returns. Reverse logistics not only encompasses damaged or returned goods but also products designed for remanufacture, hazardous materials, and reusable packaging. 4. Cross-Application Integration. To be effective, companies need to seamlessly integrate the three elements of fulfillment logistics described above.At present, this rarely happens. Most Web servers only have a sporadic connection to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system like SAP’s R/3, which controls accounting, production, materials management, and distribution. Thus, when the user wants to know when a product will be delivered, the Web application often cannot tell that user what inventory is available in the ERP system or at the third-party warehouse. These are precisely the kinds of problems that business-process synchronization 64 Supply Chain Management Review nd digital consumers of the 21st century don’t have the same tolerance levels as their analog-world ancestors. tion in their stores. This approach minimizes the upfront investment and can be set up quickly. It also facilitates strategies such as â€Å"Buy Here/Pick Up There. † This strategy allows consumers to place an order by phone or online at one store location and pick up the merchandise at another. Though distributed delivery centers do have their advantages (like the obvious reduction in shipping costs), they also can experience certain difficulties.For one thing, controlling inventory for every center at an appropriate level may result in operational complexity and incur expensive inventory costs. In addition, in-store employees often are unfamiliar with warehouse picking and packing procedures. Further, high employee turnover can make picking and packing quality standards difficult to maintain. Yet another problem is scheduling. To mini mize conflict with customers who are shopping during the daytime, picking operations often are scheduled for off-peak shopping hours.Although this may appear to be an efficient use of resources, the delayed picking may force an additional day into the delivery cycle, since carrier pickups may take place before the completion of the current day’s picking and packing activities. Strategy B. Partner Fulfillment Operations Some online retailers are using the partner fulfillment model, which means they have no inventory, no shops, and no product brands. Fulfillment is performed entirely by partners. This approach has clear advantages from the standpoint of inventory-carrying costs. But there are some disadvantages as well.This has been evident in the experience of Peapod, an online grocery retailer that provides online shopping and home delivery services. Peapod discovered that its initial strategy of partnering with local supermarkets for fulfillment meant charging consumers high delivery costs of up to $16 an order. This pricing level made it virtually impossible to build a customer base. To attract more customers, the company has begun to dismantle some of its partnerships and move toward a distributed-delivery fulfillment model by establishing its own warehouses in selected markets.The introduction of a distributed-delivery model, however, has put a strain on the company’s financial growth. Peapod management estimates that each new distribution center requires a capital expenditure of roughly $1. 5 million plus operating expenses. Peapod expects a net loss at each facility during the first 12 to 18 months of operation. In the long run, however, the new centers should give the company higher overall margins as well as greater operating efficiencies. Fall 1999 Companies will succeed or fail based on the efficiency of their fulfillment strategies.Strategy C. Dedicated Fulfillment Center Today, many online retailers have established their own dedicate d fulfillment centers. These players include Amazon. com, BarnesandNoble. com, Dell Computer, Micro Warehouse, and Insight Enterprises. This approach is well suited to the book and computer industry, where the fulfillment centers can facilitate prompt delivery. The dedicated fulfillment center model reduces delivery costs for low-margin items. Using this approach, companies can measure expected delivery time in hours—not days.The tradeoffs of this approach are: Low or unpredictable sales volumes. This will result in high inventory-carrying costs. High up-front investment. Depending upon its warehouse setup and flexibility, a distribution fulfillment center can incur high costs. It may, for example, require major systems modifications, automated warehouses, and conveyors. This option, moreover, can add operational complexity to the product and information flows. Yet even though this approach increases the up-front capital investment, it can reduce long-term operating costs.Dec reased flexibility. The operation’s scalability is restricted to the existing warehouse infrastructure. This may make it difficult to meet the variability in demand inherent in some retail segments. Strategy D. Third-Party Fulfillment Centers (â€Å"Virtual Warehousing†) As companies struggle to manage unpredictable demand better, they are turning toward third-party fulfillment centers (3PFs), which can be thought of as virtual warehouses. Through this approach, companies can lease the skills and facilities needed for order fulfillment rather than owning them.Third-party fulfillment companies offer flexibility in accommodating wide swings in demand over short periods. They also help facilitate inventoryreduction initiatives such as just-in-time programs. Another advantage of 3PF is the limited changes that must be made to legacy information systems. This option provides a much more robust capability than in-store fulfillment and minimizes operational impact. It also co nverts much of fulfillment into a variable cost offset by eliminating warehouse and Supply Chain Management Review 65 ORDER FULFILLMENT store costs associated with the sale of the product.This strategy allows retailers to leverage their buying power and extend product selection into lines not currently offered in their stores. The primary drawback of 3PF is few existing national fulfillment companies can accommodate a wide range of products. Even more problematical, ceding control of this critical aspect of the business represents a major paradigm shift for retailers. Depending upon the service levels required by customers, multiple fulfillment centers may be necessary to minimize delivery time—and this increases costs and required stock levels. y clear that customers don’t just buy products; instead, they buy the â€Å"service envelope. † They are looking to enter into a complex relationship with the selling company. Given the new reality, companies do not crea te value for customers by merely offering varieties of products. Rather, they must devise a logistics fulfillment strategy that envelops the product and meets customer needs such as convenience, reliability, and support. The choice of a fulfillment strategy depends on whether a company elects to compete essentially on customer responsiveness or operating excellence.In either case, the fulfillment strategy must support the overall business strategy. To ensure that this happens, a company needs to complete the following steps: (1) assess the competitive environment, (2) select the fulfillment strategy, (3) achieve business-process synchronization, and (4) design and implement the necessary cross-application integration. Importantly, the fulfillment strategy must take full advantage of new planning, warehousing, and transportation technologies that can cut order fill times dramatically.Assess the Competitive Environment The first step in fulfillment-logistics design is assessmentâ€⠀that is, identifying the opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses that will influence overall performance and viability of the fulfillment strategy. During the assessment phase, a company must gather information on the competitive environment across these strategic variables: Effectiveness. What are customers’ priorities and how are they changing? How closely does the overall design address the stated and unstated requirements of customers?Consider likely changes in buying patterns, potential competitors, long-run cost pressures, and new technologies. Value differentiation. Why do my customers buy from me? What makes my value proposition unique compared to the competition? Do customers appreciate the value in my offering and can this be leveraged into differentiated pricing strategies? The first step toward value differentiation is to map your customer’s entire experience with your product or service. Do this for each important customer segment. Capital intensity. Sh ould we choose a capitalintensive, high fixed-cost strategy?Or a less capital-intensive, flexible strategy? The e-Commerce impact on working capital outlay differs from retailer to retailer. It depends on such factors as the existing logistical infrastructure (dispersion of warehouses, existing product flow, etc. ), the Fall 1999 Effective fulfillment strategy is dynamic, using multiple channels simultaneously to reach important customers. Strategy E. Build-to-Order The customized build-to-order model is an emerging fulfillment center strategy that extends beyond the traditional framework and adopts an integrating or boundary-spanning perspective.Companies working to coordinate build-to-order fulfillment logistics strategies need to: Synchronize and manage the entire flow of materials through a complex network of resources in their supply chains as opposed to simply managing inventory in warehouses. Turn their attention to maximizing the throughput, rather than focus on controlling fixed costs. Alter the material flow upstream quickly and proactively as demand and product mix change, rather than react to changes in customer demand at the end of the process.A fundamental requirement of fulfillment logistics is the dedicated collaboration of all supply chain trading partners to eliminate the costs associated with inefficient movement of goods, redundant processes, and excess inventory. Effective collaboration not only ensures that the order flows through smoothly but also provides two crucial capabilities: the ability to adapt to increasingly frequent changes in consumer tastes and e-Commerce technology and the ability to improve processes continuously.Designing the Right Fulfillment Strategy Design of the fulfillment strategy is central to the overall corporate strategy. It is becoming increasing66 Supply Chain Management Review nature of the products carried (for example, books Select the Fulfillment Strategy The second step in the design process is to select vs. produce), and the delivery demands of the an appropriate fulfillment strategy based on the findcustomer. Channel extendibility. Can the fulfillment design ings of the competitive assessment.Each fulfillment handle possible new products and services and strategy brings its own strengths, weaknesses, and incorporate new forms of customer interaction? trade-offs. These center on such issues as investEstablished companies must remain committed to ment, effectiveness, cost efficiency, operational coma portfolio strategy of customer interaction. This plexity, channel extendibility and scalability, and is based on the belief that valuable synergies exist risks associated with the business alliances. Exhibit 2, among online, catalog, and specialty retailing.To which summarizes the key characteristics of the five cite one example, EXHIBIT 2 online order desks A Summary of Five Fulfillment Strategies with sophisticated Type of Distinctive Major Potential Management walk-up interfaces Fulf illment Characteristics Strengths Weakness Challenges Strategy can be located strategically in Distributed delivery Distributed Easy start-up; Complex inventory Establishing sophisevery store so that centers Prompt delivery; management; ticated inventoryoperation sites; Operation in control.High inventory management sysSelf operated. shoppers can costs; tem; order products Unfamiliar with JIT inventory manand serve themwarehousing proce- agement. dures. selves. With an integrated portfo- Partner fulfillment Minimized up-front Service limited by Establishing orderDistributed lio strategy, estab- operations investment; partnership; routing system; operation sites; Less operational Low overall Maintaining stratePartner operated. ished companies responsibility; efficiency; gic alliance with can gain many Flexible delivery High inventory costs partners; new online cusarrangement; and inventory-man- Ensuring service Low shipping charge agement complexity. quality and reliability. tomers f rom the to customers. retail outlets. I n f r a s t r u c t u re Dedicated Avoids the higher High up-front Converting traditionCentralized inventory costs; investment; al warehousing to operation site; scalability.Can the fulfillment centers Easy to manage; Decreased flexibility. consumer-direct fulSelf operated. design handle Fast delivery; fillment; multiple products Reduced long-term JIT inventory mancosts of operation. agement. and a high shipment volume? Physical distribu- Third-party fulfillLeast investment; Few options Selecting the third Centralized No learning curve; available; party; tion can be a ment centers (3PFs) operation site; Third party No operational com- Risks in strategic Establishing intermajor logistical operated. lexity; alliances; organizational inforand administrative Limited changes to High operational mation systems with legacy systems; charge. the 3PF. headache. Online Minimized operaretailers are findtional impacts. ing that having to Build-to-order Spa ns both Minimum inventory; Over-customization; Synchronizing entire adapt their existcentralized â€Å"Pulling† ensured; Costs and resources flow of materials vs. ing infrastructure and distributed No stock inventory; of integration. anaging inventory; to handle small operations. Controlled fulfillAltering material ment. flow upstream vs. shipments going customer demand to millions of condownstream. sumers can be time consuming, complex, and expensive. The challenge is to keep each and every fulfillment strategies, is a managerial guide for customer satisfied while protecting the bottom determining which strategy is right for a company at line from erosion resulting from waste, errors, and a given situation. inefficiencies.How well do the available distribu- Achieve Business-Process Synchronization Intercompany business-process synchronization, tion strategies help accomplish that key objective? Fall 1999 Supply Chain Management Review 67 ORDER FULFILLMENT in its purest form, gives rise to the virtual organization in which all trading companies work together as one competitive supply chain entity—the e-Supply chain. In the virtual organization, each trading company shares its information and resources, which results in better planning and more efficient product movement.In making business-process synchronization a reality, companies typically will encounter these challenges: Design and Implement Cross-Application Integration Among the key objectives of intercompany collaboration are more sophisticated distribution services, such as frequent inventory replenishments, more customized packing of goods to reduce unpacking times, more creative packaging and labeling of goods to meet merchandising strategies, and more effective exchange of trading information in compliance with EDI standards.Achievement of these objectives demands an increased use of cross-application integration. Superior application integration in a supply chain is central to achievi ng superior fulfillment productivity and speed. An effective fulfillment-management system must have the ability to integrate with: 1. Integrated enterprise applications. Included here are the ERP systems that integrate the inventory management, marketing, and financial functions. 2. Integrated interenterprise systems. These are the supply chain management systems for transportation, order management, warehouse management, and demand planning.For instance, FedEx has integrated its logistics and transportation capabilities with the SAP R/3 system. For R/3 users, the solution will simplify every related process step from order entry through shipment and tracking by tightly integrating with FedEx. For FedEx, this capability creates a competitive barrier that other carriers have to overcome. 3. Distribution center management and warehouse management systems. Included among these solutions are facility management systems. Efficient management of a distribution center operation now requir es collecting information on customer orders, inbound shipments, products vailable on-site, storage locations, product weights and sizes, and outbound shipping data (including customer-specific shipping requirements, routing data, and carrier requirements). This information must be analyzed dynamically to determine the most efficient use of the distribution center’s labor, materials-handling equipment, and shipping and receiving areas. Today’s information technology revolution does not merely support new order-fulfillment strategies, it creates them. Technology Challenge. Intercompany businessprocess synchronization requires sophisticated technology applications.It can be difficult, however, to identify those systems that truly support this initiative. The Data-Sharing Challenge. Supply chain systems not only need to communicate with one another but also to integrate their business practice knowledge into each trading company’s business logic. The companies must work quickly and painlessly to integrate their trading partners’ knowledge into their own business applications. The Adaptability Challenge. All the information in the world cannot help if trading companies don’t have the flexibility to alter business processes as consumer demands change.In this regard, all trading companies face similar challenges. For instance, when UPS issues a rate update, thousands of customers must implement these changes by a specified date and time. Companies need to implement business systems that can be upgraded easily to move with the market. The Standardization and Compliance Challenge. When one major player in the supply chain decides to upgrade to a new technology or adopt a new technical functionality, the other players are challenged to synchronize accordingly.When there are thousands of â€Å"touch points,† or interface points, the challenge can become enormously complex. In a perfect world, all trading partners would migrate i n unison to the latest technologies to realize the maximum benefit. But it is not likely that an entire supply chain can or will do this at once. Thus, it is important to focus on synchronizing business processes around these touch points and upgrading them as the market evolves. 68 Supply Chain Management Review Acting in Unison for the Consumer Order fulfillment and replenishment is a core business process. What makes onsumer-direct eCommerce compelling to customers is not just the online shopping experience but on-time delivery, fewer fulfillment errors, extra service, and convenience. These are the things that customers value. When companies fall short in responding to those values, they risk alienating or losing customers as a result. Fall 1999 ORDER FULFILLMENT Many potential e-Commerce participants have underestimated the difficulty and importance of the fulfillment side of this market arena. They see fulfillment and distribution logistics as peripheral to their competitive s trategy.Companies need to recognize that such benign neglect is risky and wastes opportunities for competitive advantage. In response to pressures from powerful market trends and technological changes, they must inspect past practices, channel commitments, and vendor relationships vigorously. Effective fulfillment strategy is dynamic, using multiple channels simultaneously to reach important customers. Today’s information technology revolution does not merely support new fulfillment strategies, it creates them. Consumers interface with technology daily, raising the bar on what is expected on the fulfillment side.Meeting these rising expectations requires a conscious shift in fulfillment strategies and a technological infrastructure that ties together every aspect of the consumer-direct â€Å"fulfillment chain. † Interenterprise business-process synchronization is a key to success in this emerging real-time marketplace. Deep information exchange among supply chain partn ers brings opportunities to develop interenterprise strategies that become new sources of competitive advantage. Information integration allows companies to monitor daily trends, market conditions, product acquisitions, and planning functions.To achieve operational integration, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers must exchange information effectively with other supply chain participants at key interface â€Å"touch points. † Importantly, this includes providing real-time information to customers so they know the status of their order at any given moment. When all trading partners—including raw-material suppliers—perform all of the key supply activities in unison, they can make inventory decisions that lead to dramatically improved results.They can then share the rewards of producing the correct amount of the product, thereby lowering the cost of overproduction. Business-process synchronization also enables partners to respond quickly and easily to unplann ed consumer demand for items or for personalized and enhanced products—the kinds of things today’s Internet shoppers desire. The companies that employ business-process synchronization in the development of their consumerdirect order-fulfillment strategy will fulfill these consumer desires and emerge as the big winners in the Internet economy.Author’s Note Used as a reference for this article was a White Paper by Alan Dabbiere of Manhattan Associates titled â€Å"Business Process and Supply Chain Synchronization: Achieving Supply Chain Excellence Through Technology. † Footnote 1 Companies providing early versions of advanced planning capability include SAP’s Advanced Planning and Optimization (APO) engine, i2Technologies, Manugistics, and Logility. More sophisticated systems that integrate production planning and transportation planning are under development. 70 Supply Chain Management Review Fall 1999

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Essay on Essay

Questions: 1. What details in the first two paragraphs convey a sense of the ordinary, behind-the-scenes routines of film critics? What words or phrases suggest the longevity of Ebert’s career as a movie reviewer?The part where it says, â€Å"Some of them look as though they plan on camping out, with their coats, blankets, lunches, and laptops spread out on the seats around them,† shows that this is the routine of the film critics because they are comfortable in the room together. Also, the room has comfortable chairs for the critics to get nice and comfortable in. He says that Ebert is the most renowned movie critic in the world. This indicates that he must have been doing this for a long time to be famous for this.2. How does Chris Jones distinguish Ebert from his fellow reviewers? Why is this contrast important?He shows that Ebert is old school and goes off his memory since he only has a pen and note pad to make notes, where all the other critics will be on their com puters for hours writing after the movie.3. How does Jones’s description of Ebert’s reaction to Broken Embraces help us understand Ebert’s character? What words or phrases reveal Ebert’s attitude toward the experience of watching this film?Ebert shows that he likes the movie very much and shows joy by taking excited notes.4. What are the connotations of â€Å"kid joy†?â€Å"Kid joy† means being purely happy, like a little kid running through sprinklers or around a playground.5. Jones writes that, at the end of the film, â€Å"it looks as though [Ebert’s] sitting on top of a cloud of paper.† Jones then describes how Ebert â€Å"kicks his notes into a small pile with his feet.† Why are these images important?What side of Ebert’s personality do they reveal? These images are important because it shows Ebert’s frustration.6. Why does Jones use the word â€Å"savoring† to describe Ebert’s  quiet p ause after the film ends?It shows that Ebert is taking in the feelings of happiness because it was such a good picture.7. What does Jones mean when he says that the moment Ebert said his last words before losing the ability to talk to cancer â€Å"wasn’t cinematic†? Why is this significant?Ebert cant remember it, while someone’s last words would be meaningful and memorable, so it is not cinematic.8. What details are important in Jones’s description of Ebert’s second-floor library? What do the objects in this room suggest about Ebert’s current life?He had everything he could want in that room. The objects in this room suggest that his life simple and old fashioned.9. Why does Jones say reading Ebert’s post-cancer online journal is like â€Å"watching an Aztec pyramid being built†?He says this because it shows Ebert’s journey to win his battle against cancer and even though it seemed impossible, he managed to push though i t.10. What words and phrases suggest the post-cancer, post-voice surge of productivity Ebert experienced in his writing?â€Å"Feverishly banging the keys of his MacBook Pro† and â€Å"massive monument of written debate†

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Jump Ship To Freedom Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

Jump Ship To Freedom Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Jump Ship To Freedom This book was about slavery and Arabus who wanted to be free and not have to answer to his slave master Ivers who treated him like dirt. It is hard to compare Arabus and me because there is not much in common between us. One thing we have in common is that we both believe that African Americans should not be discriminated apart from white people. Something that we dont have in common is that his father is dead and mine is not. We both have determination. Arabus was trying to become free by stealing his Fathers soldiers notes and then sailing with Ivers all the way to New York and then jumping off and swimming away from Ivers so he could find his fathers old friend and trading in his dads notes for money and then he could by his freedom and then buy his mothers freedom. I have never had to fight for my freedom but I think I would have the determination to fight for my freedom. We can both swim well. He proves he is a good swimmer when he jumps off the ship and swims away to get to New York. I have never proved Im a good swimmer by swimming away. People know I can swim well because they have seen me swim at the pool. I dont think that I could swim away for as long as he did. The last thing that I will compare is the fact that he lost his dad when he was really young and I still have mine. His dad was a soldier that was fight and his ship sunk and was African American . My dad is not a soldier and he is not There are differences but I think we could be friends if we were the same age because we have the same morals. What we dont have in common are little things that dont matter as much.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 tips all new teachers should know

10 tips all new teachers should know Beginning a career in teaching is extremely exciting. Shaping today’s minds that will run tomorrow’s world is a vital job, and it can be fun as well as rewarding. But anyone with a general idea of what teachers do everyday knows that every day won’t be a breeze. In fact, most days will be a real challenge. The good news is that if you come to the job equipped to deal with those challenges, you will be a much more effective teacher. Go into your new career armed with these 10 tips and you’ll be in good shape from the start. 1. Observe to become a better teacher.A good way to get the lay of the classroom environment is to watch other teachers teach. This step is usually built into the requirements for your degree, since most education students have to observe as part of the curriculum. If it is not, make arrangements on your own to sit in on classes. Doing so will help you figure out what to do on the job- and very likely, what not to do.2. Strive toward tan gible goals.The most effective way to organize a lesson is to set a specific goal for each one. The SMART system will help you set your goal. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based.3. Schedule your prep time.Most of the work happens in the classroom, but there’s a lot of preparation you’ll need to do after work hours too. Be sure to always set aside a specific time to get your lesson plans together so you never have to scramble to get them done at the last minute.4. Exude confidence (or fake it if you have to).Students can be an unruly bunch, and the worst ones can really frazzle you. Sometimes they may simply be bored and unengaged. The best weapon against such challenges is confidence. If you are in charge of your voice and body language, students will be more likely to allow you to take charge of the classroom.5. Never forget- you’re the adult.On a similar note, you must never forget that you are the adult. Difficult stud ents may try to break you down and drag you to their level. It is your job to remain above such childishness- you have the control to both dole out the discipline and be lenient when appropriate.6. Dress for the job.On another similar note, you need to make it very clear by your presence that you’re the adult and not one of the gang. Save the cool and casual clothes for your spare time. At school, dress in a professional manner to establish an air of authority.7. Establish rules early on.You can’t just make an authoritative impression by dressing appropriately. You must also set out clear rules for maintaining your authority. Make sure your students know what you expect of them in terms of personal behavior, due dates, and class participation.8. Encourage organization.Organization can be a key to success, so aim to instill the value into your students. Expecting students to take notes is one way to encourage them to stay organized. You can also get them to think of you r lessons in an organized manner by using visual aids such as graphics and diagrams to connect ideas.9. Constantly check their understanding.Your students’ ability to comprehend your lesson may not exactly keep up with your enthusiasm for teaching it. So every 10 minutes, take a break to check in with your students and find out if they’re following your flow of information. Asking a few review questions is one effective way to check their understanding.10. Love what you do.Finally, make sure you maintain that enthusiasm for teaching. The way to do this is to love your work. If you exude enthusiasm for teaching, exercise your imagination, and work to inspire the creativity of your students, you will receive greater enjoyment from your teaching and your class will be more willing to learn from it. Good luck!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Classroom Practice for Children with Asperger Syndrome in a Mainstream Essay

Classroom Practice for Children with Asperger Syndrome in a Mainstream School - Essay Example As the paper outlines the strategies would include; â€Å"carefully structuring the seating arrangement, providing a safe haven, preparing for changes in routine, using available resources and making needed accommodations† among other things. Seating Arrangement and Group Work: the reporter will avoid seating Terry close to bullies and aggressive students, but seat her next to her peer buddies. However, this would be based on the analysis of where the Terry works most effectively. He will ensure that he avoid self selection when assigning student groups and teach students the importance of working as a team. This study stresses that Terry being an Asperger Syndrome patient gets overwhelmed by crowds and social interaction thereby resulting in stress and anxiety. Instead of removing Terry from difficult academic tasks and the playground activities, the reporter might consider offering an â€Å"alternative to attending these events†. This can be achieved by ensuring that Terry has a trusted contact person with whom she feels comfortable. He will give Tarry access to quiet and private places where she can have her free time, rest and refresh away from the hustles of trying to fit into social groups. As a classroom teacher, he would also consider giving Terry additional time to complete difficult class assignments and offer her extra tuition time to attain her academic potential. Peer Interactions: As a class room teacher would create ways to connect Terry with empathic peers so as to promote social acceptance and friendships in her life.  

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Medical ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Medical ethics - Essay Example important form of commission parents) may also be the sufferers of exploitation (Laura M. Purdy). Furthermore, it is argued that there are high-quality reasons for considering that commercial surrogacy is frequently exploitative. Though, even if we believe this, the exploitation quarrel for keeping out (or if not legislatively disappointing) commercial surrogacy leftovers quite weak. One important cause for this is that ban may well backfire and lead to possible surrogates having to do additional things that are more exploitative and/or additional damaging than paid surrogacy. No doubt, it is finished so that those who oppose exploitation be supposed to (rather than attempting to discontinue exacting practices similar to commercial surrogacy) focus on: (a) humanizing the conditions beneath which paid surrogates labor; and (b) changing the backdrop conditions (in exacting, the uneven distribution of power and wealth) which make exploitative relations (Laura M. Purdy). The term autonomy is resultant from the Greek autos, which means self and from the term nomads denotation rule, governance or law. To be autonomous is to be self-determined and to be in control of ones life. In regards to health check care, being autonomous refers to one making a decision concerning personal medical care issues for his or her self. Autonomy focuses on respecting the ability of a person to make health care decisions on their own. It is much more multifaceted than considering who is in charge or who knows best the real matter is which of the basic ethical principals hold advantage in any given situation. "medical paternalism" leads to the burden of coercive life-prolonging measures in a manner insensible to the patient; and it put off dying patients and their families from lasting the touching and financial hardships caused by the continuance of desperate medical and technical intervention; (Dialogue.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

FAA inspections on Boeing 737's and how it relates to Operations Research Paper

FAA inspections on Boeing 737's and how it relates to Operations Management - Research Paper Example It provides employment opportunities to over 170,000 individuals throughout 70 nations. It is also regarded as one of the oldest manufacturers of commercial airlines having its root from the last 40 years. It also manufacturers missiles, defense systems and satellites and is a major service provider to NASA (Boeing, 2013). The main aim of this research paper is to provide a broad description on the main reasons behind the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to order inspections of more than 1,000 Boeing 737 jets and to show appropriate reasons that the inspection of the airline can help the company in ensuring proper management of operations. Operation Management Operations management is considered as one of the most vital parts of an organizational life cycle irrespective of the fact that it is involved in producing goods or services or is functioning in private or public sectors. The main purpose or aim of operations management is to implement steps that may help the organization to operate efficiently. With reference to the article, â€Å"FAA Orders Inspections on Boeing's 737 Aircraft† by Andy Pasztor, it can be apparently viewed that the potential effect of factory defects in the manufacturing process of Boeing 737 has led the company to inspect more than 1000 Boeing 737s, causing an incurrence of total compliance costs of nearly US$10 million (Pasztor, 2013). The main steps which are usually followed in the process of operations management are discussed below: Contact customer: The first step in operations management is to obtain information on the demand, intension and the core customers/potential customers to buy the products’ produced. Moreover, conserving the contact information is also done to measure the market action (Mahadevan, 2009). Contribute a demand: The next step in the process is to propose a demand of service or product to the qualified customers. This can be done by offering a written proposal to potential customers. It is considered that business proposal is often determined to be a step in settling complex business processes. For instance, companies like Boeing usually adopt the policy of providing business proposals to potential airlines in order to offer them a broad description of the services they render and the way in which they differ from their competitors (Mahadevan, 2009; Neely, 1993). Sale: In this step, the contract or sale of the product is done to their potential customers. Establish a written procedure: In this vital step, both the parties agree upon a mutual agreement in keeping with the different aspects such as characteristics and date of supply of the final products among others. The step is recognized to be a vital part as both the parties are benefited from it (Mahadevan, 2009). Required resources: In this step, all the necessary equipments, products and additional resources needed to complete the project are verified. The costs of the entire requirements are measured to impleme nt it in inventory management (Mahadevan, 2009). Execution: In this phase, the written process is applied in the practical form, resulting in the formation of the defined product (Mahadevan, 2009). Effectiveness: The final expectation according to the contract or customer is measured. Delivery: This step involves the process of delivering the final product to the end customer. This step needs