Saturday, November 9, 2019

Essay on Essay

Questions: 1. What details in the first two paragraphs convey a sense of the ordinary, behind-the-scenes routines of film critics? What words or phrases suggest the longevity of Ebert’s career as a movie reviewer?The part where it says, â€Å"Some of them look as though they plan on camping out, with their coats, blankets, lunches, and laptops spread out on the seats around them,† shows that this is the routine of the film critics because they are comfortable in the room together. Also, the room has comfortable chairs for the critics to get nice and comfortable in. He says that Ebert is the most renowned movie critic in the world. This indicates that he must have been doing this for a long time to be famous for this.2. How does Chris Jones distinguish Ebert from his fellow reviewers? Why is this contrast important?He shows that Ebert is old school and goes off his memory since he only has a pen and note pad to make notes, where all the other critics will be on their com puters for hours writing after the movie.3. How does Jones’s description of Ebert’s reaction to Broken Embraces help us understand Ebert’s character? What words or phrases reveal Ebert’s attitude toward the experience of watching this film?Ebert shows that he likes the movie very much and shows joy by taking excited notes.4. What are the connotations of â€Å"kid joy†?â€Å"Kid joy† means being purely happy, like a little kid running through sprinklers or around a playground.5. Jones writes that, at the end of the film, â€Å"it looks as though [Ebert’s] sitting on top of a cloud of paper.† Jones then describes how Ebert â€Å"kicks his notes into a small pile with his feet.† Why are these images important?What side of Ebert’s personality do they reveal? These images are important because it shows Ebert’s frustration.6. Why does Jones use the word â€Å"savoring† to describe Ebert’s  quiet p ause after the film ends?It shows that Ebert is taking in the feelings of happiness because it was such a good picture.7. What does Jones mean when he says that the moment Ebert said his last words before losing the ability to talk to cancer â€Å"wasn’t cinematic†? Why is this significant?Ebert cant remember it, while someone’s last words would be meaningful and memorable, so it is not cinematic.8. What details are important in Jones’s description of Ebert’s second-floor library? What do the objects in this room suggest about Ebert’s current life?He had everything he could want in that room. The objects in this room suggest that his life simple and old fashioned.9. Why does Jones say reading Ebert’s post-cancer online journal is like â€Å"watching an Aztec pyramid being built†?He says this because it shows Ebert’s journey to win his battle against cancer and even though it seemed impossible, he managed to push though i t.10. What words and phrases suggest the post-cancer, post-voice surge of productivity Ebert experienced in his writing?â€Å"Feverishly banging the keys of his MacBook Pro† and â€Å"massive monument of written debate†

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