Sunday, May 3, 2020

Beta Performance Management System of HRM †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Beta Performance Management System. Answer: Beta Performance Management System Performance management is a concept essential in the field of human resource management involved with the continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing person performance and aligning the same with strategic goals of organizations. The executive and the middle-level management are tasked with the responsibility of making decisions in the increasingly complex and competitive pharmaceutical industry. The performance management in such organizations must be innovative, flexible, cohesive, and customer focused. In achieving his, companies need o establish a balance between customer, the organization and operating factors focused on meeting organizational goals. In this case, companies can reconfigure their performance management to reflect and deliver a real strategic and global offering for the market. Organization Strategy Beta Pharmaceuticals symbolizes a good state of mind which drives the business purpose of the organization aiming at making individuals feel beer from heir sicknesses. From its inception, the company has always strived to deliver to the customers by distributing products to the drug stores as well as maintaining its production. Since establishment, the firm holds an integral leadership position in the pharmaceutical industry. Vision We perceive enterprise as a means to the wellbeing of employees, investors, and the community through revenues and ethical consideration in business. Mission The mission is the provision of innovative and quality products produced through an ethical work environment that provides benefits to the consumers and stakeholders. All the functions in the interplay are played by different individuals with several departments existing towards the improved functioning. The agencies ensure proper communication with the employees for an efficient and productive training to their employees as well as compensation matching and promoting their skills. The departments include the sales and marketing, accounts division, purchase, and maintenance division, transport and distribution, the finance and audit, lab, IT department, and the human resource department. The units work together towards the wholesome productivity of the firm. Influences on Management Programs The internal and external environments matter a lot to the productivity standards of the firm. The firm is keen in operations within the organization such as the distribution channels, goal setting, recruitment and selection, and compensation strategies towards success and competitive advantage (Cummings Worley, 2014). The external factors to the organization such as markets, the audience, raw materials, technology, and information on the trends in pharmaceuticals department matter a lot to the organization. In response to the factors, the team carries out several activities towards increasing the performance of the workers and subsequent attraction of consumers to the product of the company. Performance Appraisal According to Ramlall (2004), it is necessary to carry out proper appraisal training in increasing organization performance, to assess the skills and qualification of employees towards achieving the overall goals of the organization. There is a need for the employees to understand the diverse needs expressed in the appraisal for an effective use that projects the actual picture of the workers to guarantee success. In this respect, the firm offers training opportunities to the employees on the procedures followed and the need for the appraisal. Thus, it makes clear that the appraisal is for quality performance measurement aimed at identifying the weak points in the section and coming up with the results to tackling employees issues in the organization (Al Ariss, Cascio Paauwe, 2014). At the same time, the appraisal activities aim at empowering and appreciating employees through promotions to boost their morale towards production and development. Self Appraisal To begin with, employees are tasked with the role of conducting a self-appraisal process where each employee analyzes themselves and come out with necessary feedback on the areas for improvement as well as the strong points to enable a smooth flow in operations (Van Dooren, Bouckaert Halligan, 2015). The appraisal form entails several aspects of measurement where an individual follows while recording the level of strength and weaknesses thus enabling the management to determine the areas for improvement. Company Appraisal Apart from the self-appraisal provisions, the firm has the overall assessment conducted by the human resource department where the human resource department sends individuals to various areas of the operation to monitor and record the performance standards of the individuals according to their ability to deliver the goals and visions of the company. The higher their levels and ability to achieve the same determines the extent to which an individual is beneficial to the firm. Therefore, it is important for the appraisal to be conducted in the two categories where a comparison is made to determine areas up for improvement. Recruitment and Selection Process The recruitment aspect of the firm remains competitive with the human resource department creating a pool of candidates to the selection team. The group advertises widely depending on the need for fresh employees where marketing is done on the social media, the media stations, as well as the print media and training schools to attract the best-placed persons to drive success to the firm (Buckingham Goodall, 2015). External Recruitment The company uses the external recruitment in cases where there exist limited internal options and thus utilizes advertisements, employment agency sources, and special referrals. Internal Recruitment The company understands the important of in-sourcing as a measure to strong performance. In the process of working, employees undergo training activities where they improve their overall strengths while being watched and appraised by the human resource department. In the case of a vacancy in any of the departments, the firm first looks at the options presented by the internal team and decides whether to weigh in on the option of internal selection or the exterior option. The internal recruitment has the benefit of cost reduction since the workers already know the goals and visions of the firm thus needing little training towards the new position acquired (Knies, Boselie, Gould-Williams Vandenabeele, 2015). At the same time, it acts as a motivation tool for the workers towards hard work leading to success and posterity. Measuring Results The firm values the employees as vital contributors to the economy of the enterprise thus continually measure their ability in production and overall development. The first means that the firm uses involves setting the performance management goals whose indicators are well explained to the workers (Aguinis, 2013). For instance, an increase in the profitability of the firm is determined at the level of every worker to discover the standard of competence of each employee and how it achieves the productivity levels leading to a steady revenue stream (Mone London, 2014). The firm uses seven categories while evaluation the overall performance of workers in its appraisal system. Punctuality Productivity begins with the level of commitment an individual gives to an organization based on the time spent in production (Aguinis, 2013). Therefore, coming late to work says a lot about the productivity standards of individuals and their level of commitment to the same. Employees with regular lateness cases or frequent absenteeism are more unlikely to produce more to the firm (De Waal, 2013). Hence, training on the essence of observing time allocated for productivity must be done to encourage individuals towards better production and activeness in the organization. Such an issue is important to the wellbeing of the firm. Quality of Work The category is equally important as it measures the type and level of work done by individuals towards the overall goal of the firm. The aspects focus on the time taken in production as compared to the average requirements, commitment to work, the ability to take more hours in production, and the rate at which one meets their set targets (DeNisi Smith, 2014). The aspects guide an assessor towards determining the level of productivity for individuals. Personal Traits The personal habits of individuals can either boost or decrease their performance in an organization. The category focuses on observing the patterns of people during work hours such as relaxation during work, unnecessary breaks, and the use of firm resources for personal reasons. In preventing the spread of such behaviors, it is proper to set the overall guidelines to the limit of the same in the workplace to create a positive environment for growth (Bernardin Wiatrowski, 2013). Employees observed to be carrying out the practices ought to be reprieved and advised on the best practice that initiates change to organizations. Employees with special attributes and commitment can be assessed through a similar mirror that projects their engagement and success. Random Checks The appraisal team shall carry random checks on the employees to determine their performance and level of commitment. The category is essential in establishing the performance standards of individuals when alone and in the absence of their respective supervisors. At the same time, it shall be used to assess the personal presentation such as the dressing styles, professional engagement with the clients, and public relations (Dusterhoff, Cunningham MacGregor, 2014). Besides, it shall be used to check on their attitudes in the workplace. Poor attitudes demonstrated by workers leads to poor performance and the unlikely nature of individuals meeting their targets. The aspects are carried out on a continuous basis to cover all the areas and avoid the possibility of bias during assessment and project the actual image of individuals in the society. At the same time, it is used to ascertain the ethical levels of individuals during operations. Methods Used for Performance Measurement Employee performance measurement is used to determine an employees compensation, promotion, and future benefits and thus have to be done with utmost integrity and fairness. In this case, the management establishes the expected performance standards first before selecting the method to be used. Graphic Rating Scale According to Aggarwal Thakur (2013), the method is ideal for the production department where it consists of a rating scale of different duties and performance standards on a rating scale of 1-5. The supervisors base on the performance measurement objectives stated above to rate workers according to the different categories. The ratings allow for an overall computation that indicates the level of success for the organization and the type of benefits realized through their productivity (Jenter Kanaan, 2015). The rating scale is fair as it gives the management a true picture especially if the rating is done by different people in the organization. This, the method shall feature in the performance management. Management by Objectives The method is useful in the organizations performance measurement where it is used in the management positions that identify the goals of the organization and the level at which the workers in the several departments achieve their success (Javidmehr Ebrahimpour, 2015). Another category indicates the time taken by individuals to complete tasks related to their respective duties. Here, the performance of an employee is measured against the time taken to accomplish a given task within the time set by the organization. Communication Plan and Appeal Process A proper communication plan featuring direct and group communication shall be done on a departmental basis to air out the issues raised. The communication plan shall be characterized by supervisors talking directly to the workers at the group and individual level to have them understand the results of the assessment (Noe, Wilk, Mullen Wanek, 2014). Once the human resource assesses employees within Beta Pharmaceuticals based on their skills, it shall embark on communication process where employees shall receive feedback on their performance margins to compare with their self-assessment. At this stage, each employee shall receive information from their respective supervisor based on the considerations of the results observed and have a one on one talk to air out issues for improvement (Elnaga Imran, 2013). The performance management shall enable individual to understand their weaknesses and gain the ability to raise themselves towards the expected standards of the organization. Appeals Process There are cases where employees feel information bias and thus need to appeal on the results of the discussion. In such a case, the firm sets an appeal procedure to resolve the disagreements arising from the performance evaluation process. The first step granted to employees involves a written submission within one week with the employee having duly signed the document to the human resource department (Richard, 2014). In response, a member of the human resource shall conduct a confidential investigation while gathering information from the immediate supervisor and the employee through discussions and develop a recommendation to the team. The information shall be considered with the evidence given and a recommendation given within five working days to address the grievance and opt for another assessment at the managements discretion. Employee Development Considerations In solving the performance issues raised or observed from the workers, the firm shall initiate a set of measures to address the problems to a better employee performance standard (Sung Choi, 2014). Training Training is an essential way of looking into the employee issues and addressing their concerns. Aguinis (2013) suggests that the necessity of training assists in fostering success through workshops focused groups, and mentoring processes that drive knowledge and necessary skills in operation management. On the other hand, education is important, where workers demonstrating the need for development and ability can be given scholarships to respective fields and have them come back to incorporate the knowledge received to the organization (Shuck, Twyford, Reio Shuck, 2014). At the same time, induction programs assist in fostering knowledge as well as hands-on training and mentoring processes that assist employees in determining solutions to their weak points. Morale boosting is necessary to articulate issues within the organization and ways to overcome the same. Promotion According to (Aguinis, 2013), performing employees are supposed to be appreciated through group recognition, promotion, bonuses, and improved salaries based on their performance. The step encourages the employees towards career growth where internal recruitment exists for their benefit and that of the organization (Kulkarni, 2013). All the development programs aimed at assisting individuals to focus on the goal and vision of the organization and improve the existing culture through deeper engagement and participation. Conclusion The performance management at Beta Pharmaceuticals is well planned towards improving employee engagement. The different methods used to aim at giving unbiased reports on individuals with rooms existing for change in case of an appeal. In response to the evaluation, the firm has several channels of improving employee performance and development as well as a reward scheme that not only uses the monetary system but also non-monetary options touching on employee motivation. Consequently, the method if implemented successfully benefits the firm. References Aguinis, H. (2013). Performance management (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13:9780132556385 Aggarwal, A., Thakur, G. S. M. (2013). 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